palm – and tarot readings with Cara
AHA-moments on demand – answers to your questions!
Have a glimpse into the trends of your life. Learn about the possibilities, you are not aware of. Find valuable answers, to
important questions of yours.
• I offer in person readings/ coaching in Bonn
• phone readings (with photos of your hands)
• readings/ coaching by video chat
• readings on your premises (for corporate clients)
Cara – I am here for you
As Cara, the fortune teller, I offer consultations and coaching, for private & corporate clients, with the beautiful arts of palmistry, tarot card readings and other self exploration practices. I also bring insight, laughter and transformation to corporate, historical and private events.
As we live in a constantly changing world, we sometimes need someone to talk to about those changes. Someone who helps us have a look behind our blind spots. Someone who helps us to ride the tides of change in our life. – I am glad to be that person in your life. In a reading or a coaching session I help you to move towards a deeper self-awareness and understanding. With the treasure chest of my experience, filled with many individual sessions, I provide a safe space of insight and selfexploration for you. – And yes: I am dedicated to assist you in your personal transformation and growth, so you can find more of your inner strength, clarity, and insight. With me in your corner, your journey of transformation and gaining insight will be a warmer, funnier and faster one, than if you try to walk the path alone, very often…
Within our sessions, I am glad to answer your questions about health, love, business, friendship, family, or any theme that moves your heart and brain. You might also ask about your past, present and future. We will find answers that make you go:
Awwh, why did I not ask you ages ago? – Well, here I am. You can ask me now 🙂
What can I see about your life?
„In a palm reading session I can intimately see the way you feel and think. I read a lot about your physical health, energy and the ideals you live by. I see pictures of your past, your family, and your path through life. I see challenges you might need to handle, so you can be happier, clearer and stronger in your life. ”
In a first session my main goal is to find hidden strengths, talents, potential, and lucky moments, that wait for you.
Together we explore which solutions, possibilities and shortcuts are available to you, for your better future.

“Whow, – might be the feeling you have, when I read things in your past, I can not know about. But I do…”
Cara (palm- & tarot readings)

Clarity about your career/ vocation
your genetically given talents are disclosed in a palmistry session. Outer trends are uncovered with a tarot reading.

A glimpse into your health
Your hands inform you, about the health within your body. I will gladly tell you, about their message for you.

Answers about your love life
I will gladly answer your questions about your love life, and about loved ones, that are important to you.

Other themes/ Event readings
Ask about any other themes, that are on your heart and mind. (Also offered for event readings.)

Counseling & Coaching
Yes… some problems can be solved in a session of counselling the tarot cards. Others take some sessions of coaching. Let us decide which approach serves you better.

I am delighted to bring the beautiful and transforming art of palmistry and tarot card reading, into your life, within fun and inspiring training exercises.

Tarot for your Event
Shine brightly at your event, while you gift your guests the enchanting and mesmerizing experience, to have a palm and tarot reading at your event. With me 🙂
“Entdecken Sie neue Facetten der Wirklichkeit, die Ihnen zu mehr Lebensfreude und einem besseren Verständnis für Ihr Leben verhelfen… ”

Cara – Handleserin – Kartenlegerin – Trend Seherin 🙂
Kontakt / Contact
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